Tami Gulland

Tami is the Founder of AngelsForSuccess.com, teaches women how to access their Angels, Divine Guidance and authentic answers. She specializes in coaching spiritually-oriented business women who feel overwhelmed, disconnected and exhausted to align to their true success. She helps women to tap into the Divine support system available 24/7, so they feel empowered, joyful and spiritually connected, whether at work or in everyday life.

Tami has learned both through her personal experience and in working with clients, when people listen to their Angels, they significantly reduce struggle and stress in health, relationships, business and even with money.

Tami is an Author, Coach, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and Medium. She shares her channeled messages from Angels, Masters, Saints and Guides through her ezine at www.AngelsForSuccess.com.

Success in Life and Business Straight from Your Angels

  • Find out the ONE thing you need to do to connect with your Angels
  • Discover how your Angels can help to easily prioritize the overwhelming mound of tasks in your business*
  • Learn a sure-fire technique to release resistance — straight from the Angels

For more information, visit: www.AngelsForSuccess.com or call 608.850.6437.


Leslie Cunningham

Leslie is a certified money coach and business coach, internationally published author and radio talk show personality.

Leslie specializes in guiding entrepreneurial women to transform their relationship with money in their business, marriage and life.  As a result they make more money, save more, get on the same page with their spouses and achieve financial freedom, clarity and confidence.

With over 17 combined years of professional experience in leading personal growth groups, developing educational workshops, and coaching, Leslie is known for making finances simple, understandable and fun.  She is the creator of the Financial Dating® Wealth System, a proven and revolutionary money management program that helps couples work as a winning team, get out of debt, get on the same page and build wealth.

Topic: Money & Soul: Personal financial growth and enlightenment through money

  • Gain clarity about your finances – even if you have very little or no time!
  • Create easy, simple systems for financial order and organization* Get on the same financial page with your spouse – even if you have contrasting spending behaviors and money personalities
  • Break free of the heavy weight and burden of financial chaos, disorganization and lack of clarity

For instant free tools and tips, visit www.financialdating.com call 406-586-5561 or email: leslie@financialdating.com


Vicki Garcia

Vicki Garcia, your Kick Ass Coach, is dedicated to helping you face your fear. Why fear? Because that’s what most challenges and obstacles are rooted in. Vicki is a certified “Fearless Living” coach and understands change can be scary. So, you’ll have an amazing cheerleader with over a year of intense training and vast hands-on experience to guide you along your journey. Down to earth and non-judgmental, Vicki’s goal is not to ‘fix’ her clients, but to show them areas of their life they can make better or easier, and collaborate with them to make those changes take place.

A corporate refugee who spent over a decade in the bio-tech industry, and armed with a BA in Biology, Vicki is an entrepreneur who is constantly learning so she can pass new expertise onto her clients. She’s a real person who deals with many of the same challenges they do – kids, spouses, pets and a busy household – and she’s constantly striving to ‘uplevel’ her life and help you do the same with yours!

For additional information, visit: www.mykickasscoach.com


Timi Gleason

Raven knew her next guest, Timi Gleason, was going to give her a great way to end this series as soon as she spoke with her!  She has a company called Executive Goals.com and she has a book on Amazon.com about strategic thinking.  She is going to talk to us about an approach to solving problems and to setting goals that MAY be different for some of you, and she promising to give us a recommendation for an inexpensive assessment that will revitalize your teams and improve their ability to work together with focus and confidence.

She also will be sharing at least one tip to help employees and team members to think outside of the box!  Timi has 20 years of experience in helping organizations:

  1. to learn how to be more creative,
  2. to solve problems from a larger point of view, and
  3. to learn to manage their goals strategically.

Timi asked that we suggest to each of you to have a pen and paper handy for taking notes.  She’s going to recommend an inexpensive assessment that we can buy on Amazon.com that will make it possible for your teams to find out where their greatest talents and strengths lie!

For additional information, visit: www.ExecutiveGoals.com


One Response to “Show #118: Tami Gulland, Leslie Cunningham, Vicki Garcia and Timi Gleason”

  1. Morgan Ayres on May 17th, 2011 4:28 pm

    Tami has integrity, grace, and compassion, and she shares these qualities with me personally and forthrightly. She also includes me in groups with businesswomen whom she educates, guides and supports. I treasure these qualities, blessings and opportunities. Morgan

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