Randy Gage

Prosperity Expert Randy Gage rose from a jail cell as a teen to become a self-made multi-millionaire who has inspired millions of people around the world. He is the author of eight books on success including Prosperity Mind and Accept Your Abundance which have been translated into more than 25 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide. With a style described as “Deepak Chopra meets Dennis Miller,” this personal prosperity provocateur prods people to ditch attitudes that are holding them back and grab opportunities previously hidden.

For more than 20 years Randy Gage has been helping people shatter limiting beliefs to achieve success and prosperity. He helps people uncover subconscious programming that causes them to sabotage their own success, and replace it with belief that allows them to succeed.

Follow Randy on Twitter at: Twitter.com/Randy_Gage and learn more about him at his public website: www.RandyGage.com and on Prosperity TV: www.youtube.com/randygage


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