Uchenna and Joyce Agu,
Wednesday: August 27, 2008
Time: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. est

Uchenna and Joyce Agu Uchenna & Joyce Agu are an amazing couple.  After having experienced a devastating and severe loss of both their jobs and their life savings they figured out a way to replace both nest eggs and then some with the most unique way possible.  They entered and won CBS’s The Amazing Race.

Although they are taking advantage of the freedom that wining a million dollars gives them, they are well rounded individuals with a deep spiritual community involvement and giving nature.  They now use their 15 minutes of fame for philanthropic endeaveours in Houston, Texas.

Uchenna and Joyce have proven that it’s better to be about action than simply talk about it.  It is that same go get it attitude that landed them where they are today, winners who are taking tinsel town by storm with auditions and meetings and house hunting.

Physically fit, remarkably poised and incredibly engaging, they were labeled reality TV’s most romantic favorite couple after the infamous head-shaving scene in which Joyce allowed her head to be shaved on national television. This selfless act shows just how fair they are willing to go for each other. With Uchenna’s encouragement during the ritual, women all over America fell in love with his undying support of his wife.

Joyce and Uchenna’s remarkable vision and purpose, proves that you can take lemons and turn them into a Cinnamon Dolce Latte.

Find Uchenna and Joyce online at thegreatraise.com



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