David Imonitie, Jr.

David  ImonitieJoin the Sipping Healthy Coffee Man, Larry Davis — he’s back, but this time bringing his Mentor in Organo Gold, David Imonitie, Jr. with him.

Come hear the insider secrets of how at the tender age of 26, David became a Diamond in the hot new healthy coffee company, Organo Gold.

You’ll also hear how he became a multiple six figure earner in his first year and a top five income earner with over 60,000 distributors in 8 countries!

David will share:

  • How he got started at such an early age
  • Why he chose the company he’s in
  • What motivates him
  • Tips on why so many people fail in network marketing
  • and much, much more!

Larry  DavisLarry Davis

PLUS, as always, Larry will have lots to share about the awesome company he’s involved in and why!

If you love coffee and looking healthier for a healthier option go now and grab you a few sample packets of this delicious and healthy coffee made with the finest premium organic Brazilian beans.

To learn more about Larry and to grab sample packets, visit: www.sippinghealthycoffee.com

To learn more about David, visit him on Facebook here



One Response to “Show #62: Larry Davis and David Imonitie Jr”

  1. Mike Koller on September 13th, 2010 5:15 pm

    Hi Ravin,

    The Lord sent me to your kitchen table site today. I am impressed. People are learning from your great advice and guidance.

    Anyway, it is great to connect. Have a wonderful day and keep helping people. You are Awesome, Ravin.


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