Dr. Beth Dennard
Principal Guidance Counselor

Bright Futures Consulting, LLC and Principal Guidance Counselor, 1999 -present. Providing personalized counseling services to streamline life’s transitions. BFC reduces the stress associated with planning the future. We bring creativity and research together to help you find your passion and succeed. BFC emphasizes personal interest testing and analysis to make sure goals are aligned with the dream within. Specifically, we help people find the right high school, college, professional school or job.

As a high school senior, Beth was lost and without a plan; today she helps people truly know themselves, make a plan and succeed. Serving as an Air Force officer, I taught the best and brightest at the United States Air Force Academy and worked as an Admissions Officer there for 15 years. Bright Futures Consulting helps people know and follow their hearts to live life with passion and purpose. They assist students, one-on-one, with secondary and postsecondary choices, graduate and professional school advisement and career counseling. Remembering where I started keeps me humble and giving.

Gget straight talk from Beth on….

  • How you can start today to plan the life you will love
  • Why …no one can be you.
  • That there are affordable colleges for every single student— YES there is!
  • How in order to truly find the life you’ll love, first look inside yourself.
  • A life of meaning

For additional information, visit: www.brightfuturesllc.com


Beverly Boston
Law of Attraction & Energy Psychology Master Coach

“Devote today to something so daring even you can’t believe you’re doing it.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Love to champion the success of Solo-preneurs, Small Business Owners and Service Professionals so you can wake up from autopilot in your life, and become the best version of you. I’m an unconventional, sassy and savvy expert who does this in a fun, easy, stress-free way.

With Beverly Boston International Coaching for Big Thinkers you will be able to:

  • Monetize your entrepreneurial spirit so that you can create your own definition of success.
  • Turn your passion into profits so you can develop your own unique potential.
  • Contribute from your areas of strength so you can succeed on your terms.
  • Overcome money issues permanently so you have financial freedom.
  • Create powerful business systems so you center your business on your values.

Beverly Boston has helped hundreds of small business owners, and service professionals quickly get to their hidden conflicts, and improve their inner game to create a profitable and sustainable business.

The results?

You feel more physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned. (My clients tend to say, “I wish I found you years ago!” And some have increased their income 10 times over)

Great rewards are waiting for you. Are you going to wait another 3-5 years?

To learn more about Beverly visit: www.beverlyboston.com



Part I

Part II


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