Christina Barnett

People aren’t made from cookie cutters; their medicine shouldn’t be either. Whether you have trouble swallowing pills, need more customized therapy to achieve hormone balance or pain control, or want to avoid side effects with a dose or combination not otherwise available, Chris Barnett can listen to your concerns, speak with your physician, and create a personalized medicine that fits your individual needs.

Chris decided in 6th grade she wanted to be a pharmacist, but as she progressed through her Doctorate program at the University of Kansas, she realized she didn’t want to be a standard chain-pharmacist: counting to 30 all day and never speaking with her patients wasn’t the kind of pharmacist she wanted to be. When she was introduced to compounding – in which every prescription is made “from scratch” to suit the individual patient – she knew she had found her niche. She spent three years working with PCCA, the worldwide industry leader in compounding, traveling on their behalf to all the pharmacy schools in the U.S. and Canada to teach future pharmacists about compounding. In 2007, she decided to take her own advice and open her own compounding-only pharmacy. Westchase Specialty Pharmacy opened in 2008 and has grown to be a staple in the medical community.

From customized hormone blends to flavored liquids and lozenges, from medicated lollipops to transdermal pain creams, and even medicated animal treats for family pets, Chris and her team specialize in solving unique medication dilemmas. A compounded medication may actually be more cost-effective, too, while making it easier for you to take the medicines your physician has prescribed.

If you feel that your medications don’t really “fit” you, if they are difficult to take or cause side effects, if they create barriers to your idea of optimal health, contact Chris Barnett to discuss how she can help.

For more information visit:


Yirser Ra Hotep

Yirser (Elvrid Lawrence) is a master instructor of Yoga and the creator of the YogaSkills Method. He is also the most senior instructor of Kemetic Yoga in the United States with over 30 years of experience practicing and teaching. Yirser was involved with the original research and documentation of Kemetic Yoga along with master Instructor Dr. Asar Ha-pi in the 1970s.

Yirser has continued to research, document and expand on the foundations of Kemetic Yoga. He has written extensively, lectured and led workshops throughout the United States, Africa and the Caribbean, including Cuba. Yirser has been featured in publications such as Yoga Journal, Yoga Chicago, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Parent, African Business and Culture to name a few. He has also been interviewed and featured on WGN TV, ABC TV, NBC TV, CBS TV and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

To find out more, visit:


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