Kara Oh

Kara is a best-selling author of Men Made Easy, as well as several other books, all on the subject of improving your love life. She is also a co-author of 101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life with fellow authors, John Gray, Jack Canfield, Richard Carlson, Bob Proctor and Alan Cohan.

She’s a Dating and Relationship Coach, Seminar Leader, Inspirational Speaker, radio and TV personality, mother of two fantastic grown children, and grandmother of a magical 64 year old grandson. She is sharing her life with a wonderful man who cherishes her and together, they’re having the time of their lives.

Kara has been interviewed on hundreds of radio and TV shows across the country in cities like New York, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Chicago, and Philadelphia, and given seminars in bookstores in every major (and a few not so major) city. She has been featured in magazines like Cosmopolitan and Women’s World.

Discover why:

  • Women are the source of their relationship problems
  • Men want to be led, but women don’t know how to lead
  • There is a simple litmus test to determine if your relationship is on firm ground
  • Men are easy to please when you know what to do

For additional information contact visit: www.KaraOh.com


Debbie Luxton

Debbie Luxton is the owner of Truth for Life’s Journey.  As a Christian Life Coach working with busy professional women, Debbie remembers the task of ‘wearing too many hats and trying to juggle it all.’ After making poor life choices that became painfully clear that everything was out of control, Debbie made a decision to let go and to help Women who were dealing with the same challenges.

By God’s grace, she is no longer a slave to poor choices for coping, addiction, raging emotions, the committee in her head and resentments.  She’s found a life of joy and peace after retiring from Corporate America and now serves professional and executive women through life coaching.  Debbie helps her clients eliminate stress and anxiety, reverse self-sabotaging behaviors, truly take charge of their tasks and schedule, and achieve quality time with their kids and family resulting in deeper relationships.  Debbie says, “I want you to know, that you CAN live a successful life based on your true authentic priorities.”

Topic: Believe in the truth that nothing can hold you back!

Learn How:

  • You can get control of your chaotic “to do” lists and your schedule
  • You can eliminate self-sabatoging behaviors
  • You can get more done in less time
  • You do have time take care of you

To find out more about Debbie, visit: www.truthforlifesjourney.com


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