Jon Biel
Wednesday: February 11, 2009
Time: 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. est

jon_bielAfter almost 20 years on the cutting-edge of organizational and corporate change working with some of the worlds largest and most successful companies, Jon Biel is bringing his wealth of experience and knowledge to bear on a new challenge – democratizing giving by helping worthy Nonprofit Organizations utilize and leverage today’s powerful new Internet technologies.

Along with his daughter (actress, producer, and philanthropist Jessica Biel), his son, Justin, and internet social entrepreneur, Kent McBride, Jon is focused on “changing the face of philanthropy” through the development of a unique cause-oriented social network called Make The Difference Network.

MTDN allows potential donors to search a National Wish List, find and fund specific Wishes that touch their hearts, then see the impact of their donations and give donation feedback. A fundamental tenant of the MTDN approach: all donations go directly to the nonprofit – MTDN never takes a percentage of any contribution!  MTDN also boasts a powerful and unique Cause Marketing program applicable to local businesses as well as large corporate entities and designed to exponentially increase the value of relationships between businesses and the nonprofits they publically support.

Jon, who holds graduate degrees in both business and education, received his on-the-job training in non- profit organizations as a former Program Director for the Voyageur Outward Bound School, is a trained Executive/Life Coach and is featured in the just released movie The Opus along with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracey, and other top achievers and teachers.


Julian Stevens
Wednesday: February 11, 2009
Time: 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. est

julianIn the military for a total of 8 years, with 5 years on a nuclear submarine named the USS Springfield.  Started college after the military on the G.I bill majoring in International Affairs and Computer Information Systems. Have 2 years of Internet marketing experience, although have only gotten serious about it in the last year. Before the military I worked for several years helping people with disabilities. I have been around the world several times and have been to over 8 different countries.

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