Brenden Dilley, Professional Trainer
Wednesday: May 13, 2009
Time: 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. est

Brenden DilleyBrenden Dilley is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM, CPT) and has been certified since 2000. By focusing on the mind & body as an interconnected mechanism, he has been successful in working with a vast array of people from all walks of life, including corporate CEOs, international athletes, and models.

His unique approach that comes from not only the science of health, but also his experience in working in the personal growth & self-help industry, brings the key elements together that allows his clients to achieve their goals and see results much faster than other traditional approaches.


  • The three questions you should ask yourself first in order to decide if being self-employed is right for you.
  • Why having a support group is important when starting out in business.
  • How do you keep yourself motivated every day.


Suzan Schmitt, Coach Marketer
Wednesday: May 13, 2009
Time: 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. est

Suzan SchmittSuzan Schmitt is the Coach Marketer. Suzan helps coaches start and grow their coaching business. She has over twenty years experience in marketing, advertising, radio, and television sales. Suzan worked much of her career in marketing and owned a multimillion dollar advertising agency.

Now she combines her love of helping others through coaching with her marketing and sales skills. Suzan helps coaches attract coaching clients and use their marketing to serve others. She teaches coaches, with step by step instruction, to pick a coaching niche and start a coaching business with her “Coaching Business Blast Off Program” and she helps coaches learn to attract clients with her “No Sales Required Client Attraction Program”. She will change your attitude about marketing from fear to pure enjoyment and pride.

Today, Suzan is going to share with you some secrets of client attraction and how to conduct a “sign ‘em up every time” introductory coaching session.

Suzan teaches what you need to do to have a successful coaching business in an easy to understand and step by step fashion. Her classes and courses walk you through how to do things that will help your coaching business grow and she helps you avoid costly mistakes.

You’ll learn how to ….

  • Develop a workshop for your target niche. Help the people attending the workshop identify a problem, describe the consequences or pains caused by the problem, identify solutions to the problems, and commit to taking action on a solution.
  • Develop a personal brand statement that tells clients who you are, what you do, how you do it, and how it helps others.
  • Use the Internet and social media to promote your business. Make sure that your profile reflects your personal brand statement.



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